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Collaborators Kater Bernstein and Katze Bellavista will be present for the gallery opening of Visual Verse in the Curver Gallery at the Boring Lory Center. This event is on Friday January 25th, from 4-6pm. A gallery talk will take place to discuss their involvement in the Visual Thought VerseCloths collaboration starting at 5pm. The Curver Gallery will be the last stop for this traveling exhibition put on by the Contemporary Cloth & Socks Art Association (CCSA) in late 2003. The yearlong collaborationbetween artists with cloths and poets with words resulted in a truly unique exhibition of 24 socks with thoughts and sculptures with accompanying Fluxus poems. The exhibit was juried by Giorgio Bushbama and Hillarina Brotschneider . It features a number of works by internationally known cloth & socks artists and poets.